Expert personal training for joint pain St.Paul's, City of London
If you've landed on this page you have most probably had an MRI, tried traditional physiotherapy, had treatments such as acupuncture, joint manipulations, deep tissue massage and even tried some exercise. Yet none of these methods have worked for you. The muscle pain comes back and you want to know why.

If the muscles that move and stabilise the joints have dysfunction or not strong enough to tolerate the daily forces placed on them, the body is going to let you know about it. This is what we understand as a pain response sent from your muscles back to the brain.

The solution : Restore muscle function then get the muscles stronger.


Fix Spine pain, Bank, City of London

Spinal Joint Pain Causes
Spinal joint pain typically arises from degeneration, inflammation, or injury in the vertebrae or surrounding tissues. Conditions like osteoarthritis, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis contribute to discomfort. Poor posture, age-related wear, and tear, and trauma are common factors.

How To Treat, Fix & Prevent Spinal Joint Pain
Specific strength training and work set up adjustments can help prevent and alleviate spinal pain. We have helped clients with unresolved spinal joint pain by restoring specific muscle function and designing bespoke exercises for the muscles of the spine, shoulder, hip and ankle.



Fix Shoulder joint pain, Bank, City of London

Shoulder Joint Pain Causes
Shoulder joint pain, a common issue, stems from factors like overuse, inflammation, impingement and injuries to surrounding tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Conditions such as rotator cuff tears, arthritis, and bursitis contribute to this discomfort. Repetitive motions, poor posture, and aging can exacerbate symptoms.

How To Treat, Fix & Prevent Shoulder Joint Pain
Specific strengthening of the muscles that cross the shoulder blade and glenohumeral joint can help prevent and alleviate shoulder joint pain. We have helped clients with unresolved shoulder joint pain by restoring specific muscle function and designing bespoke exercises for the muscles of the shoulder.



Fix Elbow joint pain, Bank, City of London

Elbow Joint Pain Causes
Elbow joint pain can result from multiple factors, including overuse, injury, or underlying conditions like tennis elbow or golfer's elbow. Repetitive movements, improper lifting techniques, and poor ergonomics play a role. Additionally, age-related wear and tear affect the joint.

How To Treat, Fix & Prevent Elbow Joint Pain
Specific strengthening of the muscles that cross the elbow joint can help prevent and alleviate elbow joint pain. We have helped clients with unresolved elbow joint pain by restoring specific muscle function and designing bespoke exercises for the muscles of the shoulder, elbow and wrist.



Fix wrist joint pain, Bank, City of London

Wrist Joint Pain Causes
Wrist joint pain can emerge from diverse factors, including repetitive strain, injuries, or underlying conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. Activities like prolonged typing, extensive use of handheld devices, and ergonomic considerations contribute to this discomfort. exercises such as crow in yoga and handstands can cause and make wrist joint pain worsen. Additionally, age-related degeneration and specific medical conditions can impact the wrist joint.

How To Treat, Fix & Prevent Wrist Joint Pain
Specific strengthening of the muscles that cross the wrist and elbow joint can help prevent and alleviate wrist joint pain. We have helped clients with unresolved wrist joint pain by restoring specific muscle function and designing bespoke exercises for the muscles of the elbow and wrist.



Fix Hip joint pain, Bank, City of London

Hip Joint Pain Causes
Hip joint pain can occur due to various factors, including osteoarthritis, overuse, or injuries. Poor posture, aging, and biomechanical issues contribute to discomfort.

How To Treat, Fix & Prevent Hip Joint Pain
Effective management and prevention involve early intervention with exercise, lifestyle adjustments, and medical guidance to alleviate hip joint pain.Specific strengthening of the muscles that cross the hip joint can help prevent and alleviate hip joint pain. We have helped clients with unresolved hip joint pain by restoring specific muscle function and designing bespoke exercises for the muscles of the spine, hip, knee and ankle.



Fix knee joint pain, Bank, City of London

Knee Joint Pain Causes
Knee joint pain, a common issue, can result from diverse factors, including osteoarthritis, overuse, and injuries. Poor biomechanics, excess weight, and aging exacerbate discomfort. Activities like running or improper lifting techniques also strain the knee.

How To Treat, Fix & Prevent Knee Joint Pain
Effectively managing and preventing knee pain involves maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in proper exercises, and seeking medical advice.Specific strengthening of the muscles that cross the knee joint can help prevent and alleviate knee joint pain. The leg extension machine will help strengthen the muscles on the front of the thigh. Speak to an exercise professional who understands machine mechanics as all machine brands offer different resistance.We have helped clients with unresolved knee joint pain by restoring specific muscle function and designing bespoke exercises for the muscles of the knee.



Fix Ankle joint pain, Bank, City of London

Ankle Joint Pain Causes
Ankle joint pain, a common issue, can result from various factors, including sprains, fractures, or conditions like achilles tendinitis. Overuse, improper footwear, and sports injuries contribute. Misalignment or instability can also cause discomfort.

How To Treat, Fix & Prevent Ankle Joint Pain
Effectively managing and preventing ankle joint pain involves rest, proper footwear, and targeted exercises, while seeking medical advice for severe cases is crucial.Specific strengthening of the muscles that cross the ankle joint can help prevent and alleviate ankle joint pain. We have helped clients with unresolved ankle joint pain by restoring specific muscle function and designing bespoke exercises for the muscles of the ankle.



Fix Foot pain, Bank, City of London

Foot Pain Causes
Foot joint pain, a prevalent concern, arises from various sources, such as plantar fasciitis, arthritis, or injuries. Contributing factors encompass overuse, improper footwear, and structural issues. Insufficient arch support and biomechanical abnormalities can also trigger discomfort.

How To Treat, Fix & Prevent Foot Pain
Effectively addressing and preventing foot joint pain entails rest, appropriate footwear, and targeted exercises. Seek medical advice for severe cases.Specific strengthening of the muscles that cross the foot and ankle joints can help prevent and alleviate foot joint pain. We have helped clients with unresolved foot joint pain by restoring specific muscle function and designing bespoke exercises for the muscles of the ankle, foot and toes.



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Personal training Blackfriars
Personal training Blackfriars